Often the evening

Created by James one year ago
We would visit for a week or weekend, grandad would be in the living room watching Cannonball run and nan would be preparing dinner, the radio was on top of the tall fridge freezer (probably tall because I was tiny) and nan would be in her own little world singing along to whatever was playing. I would be waiting to smother anything that was on its way in copious amounts of Aromat, this treat was reserved for visits to nan as it seems no-one else in the family loved it as much as me and so therefore only in my adult life do i buy it on a weekly basis. The song 'You belong to me' was playing one time when we were there and will always stand out to me as a memory of nan as whoever was there at the time with us filming, caught it on video briefly. In later years nan and mum came along to a show I was performing at and I told the audience that the song had always made me think of her (nan) as it seemed to freeze in time that memory of nan in the kitchen, cooking dinner for everyone, singing away to herself. 
